You love them , you feed them,& protect them and the feeling I get when I throw them off..... Yep I said I own it..., evil laugh and all. Exhilarating way to end the day🚤happyhappyhappy
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Good Morning!! I remember the saying and I myself repeat it often..."Pretty is as pretty does." It is not on the outside that makes us worthy, lovely & attractive. That kind of beauty fades....It's the loyatly, truth & love on the inside of us, pouring out unto others that draws people to us." Happy Beautiful Tuesday yall...
Good Morning!! I was going to wait to tell y'all about my search for a manager until we get into a routine around here but this is my new managers status this morning. The most important trait to help me run this grill was to love our Heavenly Father with all their heart and she does. She has been thrown into the Lions den the last few weeks & she has stood strong, Yesterday was a tough day for her..... my words last night, "Are you going to quit?"She makes a difference everyday & The Lord has a great plan for her and the CIG. Happy Friday y'all!! May y'all experience grace, joy & peace today!!
Krissy's Status: My Heavenly father, as I enter this workplace I bring your presence with me. I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this Grill. I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls. Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have blessed us with. I commit to using them responsibly in your honor. Give us a fresh supply of strength to do our job. Anoint my coworkers, our ideas, and our energy so that even our smallest accomplishment may bring you glory. ![]() My thoughts were full today.... I had 2 kitchen crew members in the hospital, down 1 waitress and a catering. I kept praying... Lord I know you will not give me more than I can handle . This amazing crew pulled together and we made it through, closing this morning for 1 hour to regroup so we could manage a successful lunch. When life is throwing the biggest hurdles, know if he brought you too it he will bring you through it. All 4 of the Stephens family was in the kitchen today & I realized I am to blessed to be stressed.... And BTW most of my girls are coming in tonight to help prep for tomorrow! Yep that about sums it up, it is who you surround yourself with and this CIG is pretty awesome. Good Morning!! May 22, 1996 was a Thursday..... I was ironing and getting ready for mine & Shelby's anniversary of 4 years, the 23rd of May. I pick up the phone to call my mother-n-law and realize it is 8:20pm....Glenna worked crazy hours like I do now, up at 3:00 am everyday, it was an unwritten rule "Do not call after 8:00, she is sleeping". I quickly hang up the phone, thinking I will call her tomorrow and talk to her, our phone call never happened because she was killed in a car wreck on the way to work, a missed opportunity I have thought of often. Saturday morning at 3:24 am my text goes off on my phone, I immediatly grab it wondering what was going on, the plan for that morning was to meet Cindy at 5:30 to finish pie's for a wedding, I was concerned there was something wrong with her. I bring the little bright screen to my face(totally blind without contacts) and the words take my breath..." Will not be in for a few weeks,having open heart surgery Monday." The message was from one of my precious regulars...we have done life together for a long time, I know his whole family and love them all dearly, I do not respond immediatly, I lay there and pray for his healing, comfort, peace and his precious family. I get up and respond, "what in the world happened yesterday." As I am waiting for his response I think about yesterday (friday) morning. He came in early, like normal, and I shouted and talked to him from my upstairs office, him sitting in his normal booth. I was too busy that morning to go and talk to him and when he was leaving I gave him a high five as he was walking by me, after he passed me, I turned around and thought, "I need to go give him a hug", but I didnt and he left, now as I am waiting for his message back I realized I have allowed another opportunity to pass me by, the last 17 years I have remembered wishing I would have just made the phone call & now I was wishing I just would have turned around and ran and hugged my sweet friend. Happy Beautiful Monday is so fragile and precious and it can be taken in a moments notice. Are you putting off a conversation you need to have with someone, is there an apology that needs to be made, an" I love you" that needs to be said or a hug that needs to be given? My heavenly Father gave me a precious and love, family and friends are more important than anything I have going on in my life and they are ALL a precious gift. Do not put off till tomorrow because tomorrow may never come and take it from me, whishing you could go back and do things differently, changes you in a way that I can not chips away at your heart. My prayer's are with my sweet friend and his family and I will not loose the opportunity again to let those in my life know I am not to busy for a hug, a laugh or great conversation.
Good Morning!! I had a great discussion the other day with a couple of the CIG crew members. We talked of problems that needed to be fixed, apology's were exchanged and we talked of moving forward in this amazing place. The one word that kept creeping into the conversation was "change", that dreaded word that all of us do not like. My explanation was "change is inevitable" and we have to keep changing to become better.....we have to realize that change can be good, it is a mind set. My son, Taylor, sent me a story yesterday that he had read. A man frequently visited a restaurant that served ok food, reasonable prices and was relatively clean....this restaurant had been a staple in the community a long time with a pretty good business. A new restaurant moved into the same neighborhood....a little bit better food, prices a little higher and cleanliness was top notch. Slowly business declined for the restaurant, instead of making changes that were needed, the owner was sitting in a restaurant that was empty, wondering what in the world happened.....he himself trying not to change. Happy Beautiful Friday yall.....Change was happening right in front of this owner and he did nothing to improve his situation. When a person chooses sobriety over addiction we celebrate, that have chosen a different path and have "changed" who they are. When a person chooses a mate for the rest of their life, they "change" it is no longer just about them. When we become parents, our lives change completely and it is absoultely amazing......but yes it is change. I truly believe when changes are occuring our Heavenly Father is at work..... blessing are forming all around us. The conversation with my co-workers made me realize....change is an amazing thing....I do not want to stay in the place that I am in(even though I think it is pretty great)....I want to continue to evolve and change with my eyes and heart wide open. Accepting and embracing change takes courage and strength and our heavenly Father gives us both of these things when we need them most. Are you standing in a place where everything is falling apart, like this restaurant owner but you are afraid to change or you do not know how to change? Call upon our heavenly Father for direction and courage and get ready for a "life changing "ride..... Funny, my prayer of.."Lord use me to make a difference in 1 person's life," has alaways really been about change and I just realize that.....
Good Morning!!.....LIVE LOUD. The CIG has almost been open for 6 just saying that number is a little overwhelming. Over these years, the one thing I hear the most..."It is so loud in here, doesnt that drive you crazy?" My reponse is always the same and I say it with absolute conviction, "A noisy restaurant is a HAPPY restaurant, during the recession I had quiet and it just about put me the noise makes my heart happy." I wear a bracelet that has "LIVE LOUD" written across it. Happy Beautiful Tuesday yall.... I have had many amazing conversation's with people and some are struggling on a direction the Lord wants for their life and they are sitting quietly & waiting, they have put their life on hold until the Lord gives them direction. I have often can HE guide your footsteps if you are just standing still? Are you "living loud" or are you quietly waiting. The beautiful birds do not wait in their nest for food to come to them...they spread their wings in search and low and behold the Creator of the Universe guides them....Where are you right now? pick up your feet, get in the game and rely on HIM to give you direction...Live Loud, doesnt mean your not listening it means you are stepping out and have Faith he will lead you down his path for you.
Good Morning!! Be careful how you live, you will be the only Bible some people ever read..... Happy Beautiful Friday y'all 😊
AuthorI opened the Cast Iron Grill in October 2007. Lots of changes have happened in the last 5 1/2 years. The CIG started with 55 seats in an office building located at 18th and K. After five years, we were bursting at the seams with now 167 seats, and 24 wonderful co-workers working on top of eachother to make it happen. 2012 the Lord chose a different journey for the CIG. We relocated the CIG and opened our doors on January 2nd, 2013, just four blocks away from the old location! It has changed my world completely! All of these stories are the happenings of the people and the joy and celebration that make the CIG what it is. Archives
May 2014
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