Good morning!!..... 19 years ago I fell in love with a place that symbolized so many things that I had always intrigued me. Beautiful rolling hills as far as the eye could see, pastures with livestock roaming and perfect pristine fences with sprawling barns and houses ...... A working ranch with real cowgirls and cowboys. The move to Lubbock took me thru Guthrie,TX several times a year ..... And my love for the four 6's ranch started with wonderment and day dreaming And then it turned to knowledge ....reading about the history of this beautiful place. I have actually become great friends with the sheriff of King County ( whole other story) and have talk to many regulars about this ranch, one even bringing me a 6666 ball cap..... A year ago, I was in pure chaos trying to get the grill under control with not a lot of social walked a man in jeans, cowboy boots a chambray button down and a hat perched a on his salt and pepper hair, I am instantly drawn to him because of I his hat, it's just like mine with the four simple 6666.... I get caught up and make my way to him and ask about his hat. We talk of his lively hood that involves working with horses, hence the hat. Our conversation then turns to his journey ..... His wife lives in a special needs home.... She was suffering from Alzheimer's for the last 5 years . He talked of taking care of her on his own for the first 3 years and then he needed help and so for the last two years he had never missed a day with her, always going to spend time with her at the home & more recently she had not a clue who he was.... Heartbreaking but he still continued to go. On this day he wandered into the grill after skipping lunch with her to take care of some business downtown...... By the time he left we felt as if we were old friends he had shared his heart breaking journey with a total stranger and in return I tucked it away in my heart and mind thinking of him often over time. Yesterday I was working on the pos system and I watch Krissy seat a guest. Dressed just the way he was a year before and that hat perched on his head my heart smiles , I cannot wait to go talk to him. Happy beautiful Wednesday y'all .... We greet each other like long lost friends and I ask how is precious wife is.... " tears welled in his eyes as he shares of her passing last week" .... His tears kill me .... This tough man that has such a colorful mouth to say the least, & has a rugged tough job has tears sliding down his face as he shares his love for her and his loneliness .." What do I do now I went a sat with her everyday?"Sitting very near by was an other guest that was living this mans life... His loved one living with Alzheimer's and slowly their life's were changing.... Ironically I have a sign hanging in the grill that reads .... "You only live once, but if you do it right once is enough" this sign was given to me about the wife of an Alzheimer patient..... I want to build relationship 's that even if they do not remember me I cherish just being with them. This stranger has allowed me a glimpse into a loved story that we all really want .... Absolute love and devotion!!
AuthorI opened the Cast Iron Grill in October 2007. Lots of changes have happened in the last 5 1/2 years. The CIG started with 55 seats in an office building located at 18th and K. After five years, we were bursting at the seams with now 167 seats, and 24 wonderful co-workers working on top of eachother to make it happen. 2012 the Lord chose a different journey for the CIG. We relocated the CIG and opened our doors on January 2nd, 2013, just four blocks away from the old location! It has changed my world completely! All of these stories are the happenings of the people and the joy and celebration that make the CIG what it is. Archives
May 2014
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