Good Morning!! The CIG caters and it makes me very anxious, its another place I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. The day of a catering I wake up and start praying for that event, my philosophy? I can fix anything at the CIG, but at a catering its a lot harder to. I have had the most amazing opportunity to cater everyday this week for fireman and the forest service of Texas. The training classes have been at the civic center. Morning snack 10:00 am, lunch 12:00, afternoon snack 2:00pm. Needless to say, starting Monday I have been up there 3 times a day, leaving and coming back to run the grill. Yesterday as I'm leaving for my 3rd time for the day, I start laughing, I feel like Im in the groundhog movie, Monday was crazy, Tuesday I learned from Monday and changed a few things and was better. Wednesday better than Tuesday, I think yall get the point. Everyday yall, we need to strive and pray to be "Better". Make the adjustments in our day to day life. Our precious heavenly father is there, loving us, encouraging us, giving his words, but we have to make the comitment to be "better". If we want different results, we can not be doing the same thing!! Happy Thursday yall may you learn from yesterday and be better today:)
Good Morning!! I know at one time in yall's life you have felt completely let down by the people in your life. Its apart of this wonderful journey called life. I experienced this emotion this week... I reacted with total anger (not a pretty sight). The title of my devotional "Delight yourself in the Lord....even on a bad hair day", was not on my mind this week. I was talking to one of my precious trusted friends about what happened, what had me soo "upset"... his words "Ya know Teresa, the greatest thing? We are only human, the staff is going to make mistakes". My first reaction..R u kidding me, they have a check list, I have procedures in place, RULES!!! follow the rules and then we have no issues, then I wont feel this way... WOW, amazing, as I'm writing this I just "GOT IT". We are human, we are not perfect.... The way I felt over my staff this week, the Lord feels about me continually.Nehemiah9:17 "But you are a forgving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love". Obviously...Im not slow to anger, ask my staff, but I want to be. Happy Friday yall.... My prayer for ya... maybe as you read this, it will reflect something going on in your life, cause boy did the Lord just hit me between the eyes.. love it when Im learning from the ulitimate teacher:)
Good Morning!! The last few weeks, I have been getting my patootie kicked. My stress level high! The sign hanging in my faith room.... my profile pic. "Dear God its me again", I whisper these words 50 times a day. The Lord has given me the CIG, this is his restaurant, and when the kitchen is crashing, my waitstaff are buried, the food is not of a perfect quality, I just want to yell," Ya know Lord maybe Im not cut out to run your restaurant". All of these things have been happening ALOT, I go home defeated and exhausted, and low and behold, Im ready to do it again the next day. I claim everyday, Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint". Yesterday during my madness I felt completely overloaded, one of my regulars sees us going down in flames.."What can I do to help?" any sane person would have said "Oh nothing", not this crazy chick, "Take the phone, if it rings, ask them to hold". I have the most AMAZING people in my life, what other place has this kind of love and friendship in it. Yall, we are all stressed, take this verse and memorize it, I have hope and faith, he's got this, and soaring on the wings of eagles I think thats pretty cool:) Happy Tuesday and Happy Valentines day!!
Good Morning!! Ya know I say it all the time that ministry and fellowship does not just happen in a church, I live it daily with ministry happening all around me. No matter what your occupation is, the Lord has a plan for you and when you are living a "purpose driven life" the Lord works and lives can be changed. I have a big sister. She is amazing, she cared for my mom when she was sick, and since her passing, she has taken care of me. She is a wife and a mom. She has cut hair for 20 plus years, she has an amazing talent. Over the last few years she has struggled with "her purpose", she LOVES the Lord with all her heart, and wants to minister to others. My heart has broken for her and her struggles. Today she is boarding a plane to the Philippines, she will be teaching them a trade, cutting hair. I know this is the Lords purpose for her, using the talent that he has given her to make a difference.Our precious heavenly fathers love will shine through her. Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite verse, read it yall. Pray for my sister. No matter what you do, the Lord wants to use you. Happy Thursday yall, we dont have to travel around the world or be in a church to minister, it can be that person sitting next to you:)
AuthorI opened the Cast Iron Grill in October 2007. Lots of changes have happened in the last 5 1/2 years. The CIG started with 55 seats in an office building located at 18th and K. After five years, we were bursting at the seams with now 167 seats, and 24 wonderful co-workers working on top of eachother to make it happen. 2012 the Lord chose a different journey for the CIG. We relocated the CIG and opened our doors on January 2nd, 2013, just four blocks away from the old location! It has changed my world completely! All of these stories are the happenings of the people and the joy and celebration that make the CIG what it is. Archives
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